Prestonfield War Memorial - Explore parks

Address Prestonfield Avenue
Postcode EH16 5EE
Telephone 0131 529 5151
Background The memorial is situated within the Prestonfield housing scheme on Prestonfield Avenue. This small memorial and garden has been a pleasant and welcoming site on entering the Prestonfield estate since its completion.
History and heritage Following the end of World War II, the residents of Prestonfield and surrounding areas arranged a meeting and discussed how best they could remember the war dead from the area. It was agreed a memorial would be the best idea and that residents would contribute six old pence weekly. These collections took place from 1946 until 1949. With the required funding in place, an order was then placed and work started in late 1949. The memorial was completed in 1949/50.The memorial remembers those from the Prestonfield housing scheme and estate who lost their life in World War II. Apart from being a focal point during daylight hours the memorial also has a light on top which lights up during the hours of darkness.
Visitor information Lothian Buses: 2,14 and 30Disabled access
Getting involved
Location map 55.93369633444623,-3.163772914294441