Wildlife by month
July is a good time of year to see butterflies, which by now are busy feeding on nectar, mating and breeding. Many common butterfly species can be seen all over Edinburgh
- peacock
- orange-tip
- large, small and green-veined white.

Orange tip butterfly
Some rarer ones can be seen in particular places
- small pearl-bordered fritillary around Red Moss in the Pentland Hills Regional Park
- Green Hairstreak also around Red Moss
- Northern Brown Argus can be found in Holyrood Park

Green hairstreak
Butterflies can travel fast and far, so they are a good indicator of environmental quality. In the last few years we have started seeing the Holly Blue around Edinburgh. It’s believed that warmer weather as a result of climate change has allowed this species to expand northwards.
Take part in butterfly surveys and learn more with Butterfly Conservation’s East Scotland Branch.